Dachshund puppies are adorable, and they can be somewhat stubborn. Potty training a dachshund puppy requires patience and consistency on your part. But it’s worth it, as potty training makes life easier for both you and your pet.
You’ll have less stress when she has accidents in the house because she’ll be able to go outside to relieve herself instead of having an accident indoors. Here’s what you need to know about getting your dachshund puppy ready for potty training.
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How to Potty Train A Dachshund Puppy
Potty training a dachshund puppy requires patience, understanding, and consistency. The key is to start early and be consistent about it. Begin by setting up an area for your pup to go and give them plenty of access.
You should provide lots of praise and rewards every time a successful potty is made in the designated area. Take them outside regularly on a schedule (ideally after eating or drinking) to get used to using that space for eliminating waste.
If accidents happen, be sure not to punish your pup, instead offer gentle guidance back to their designated spot. With enough dedication and effort, you can successfully potty train your dachshund puppy in no time!
Potty Training Can Be Challenging
Dachshund puppies can be a lot of work. They’re constantly curious and want to explore, so they may not understand that you want them to stay outside. They also don’t know how big they are yet, and might take a few steps into the house when you aren’t looking, making it difficult to keep track of them while they do their business in the yard.
You can easily teach your puppy the basics on her own time (that is, when she has an urge). Set up positive associations with going outside by rewarding her for using her potty areas with praise and treats; make sure there are lots of toys out there for distraction during potty time as well.
Schedule Consistent Potty Breaks
The first thing to do is set up a schedule for your puppy’s potty breaks. Every hour, on the hour. Take him out immediately after he eats and drinks, and before he goes to sleep (and maybe even during a nap).
Before you take him outside, bring out his leash or harness and say, “let’s go potty” This can help get your pooch in the mindset that this is business time – not playtime.
When it comes to actually taking them outside, praise them every time they finish up with a successful pee or poo; otherwise they might think what they did was wrong.
You can also give them treats when they finish their business, as well as when they go back inside after going outside on their own accord (no need for any more reminders).
Crate Train Your Dog to Help the Process Go Smoothly and Quickly
The crate is a safe and comfortable place for your dog to sleep, so it’s no surprise that puppies will naturally want to spend time there. You can use this behavior as leverage when potty training by placing the crate near your puppy’s usual elimination spot in the house (such as next to his bed) and letting him know that if he goes in the crate, he’ll get a treat or praise.
This method works because most dogs don’t want to soil their sleeping area and will try very hard not to pee or poop where they sleep. Once your puppy has begun doing this reliably, you can release him from his crate during the day and allow him access to all areas of your home while keeping tabs on where he goes when he needs relief.
Reward and Reinforce Good Behavior
The most important thing you can do to potty train a dachshund puppy is reward and reinforce good behavior. If your puppy has just done something right, make sure they know it. The best way to recognize their success is by rewarding them with treats or other forms of positive reinforcement.
When potty training a dachshund puppy, it’s not enough to just give your dog verbal praise when they go in the right spot; you must also give them a treat when they do so. This will teach them that using the restroom outside is preferable to going inside and will help speed up the process for teaching your dachshund where he/she should go after relieving themselves outside.
It can also help prevent accidents from happening at home if you reinforce outside trips with treats or toys that are designed specifically for this purpose (such as Kongs). As well as rewarding good behavior when it occurs, make sure that you’re reinforcing good habits by offering rewards regularly throughout each day.
If Your Dachshund Does Have an Accident in The House, Don’t Punish Her/Him
If your dachshund does have an accident in the house, don’t punish her. She doesn’t know what she’s doing wrong, and punishing her will not help her learn faster. Punishing the dog could make him afraid of you, which would make it more difficult for him to learn from his mistakes.
If your dachshund has an accident in the house, that’s okay. Just clean it up as good as possible and try again next time. It may take a while before they get it right every time, but they will eventually figure out what they’re supposed to do on their own—you just need to be patient.
The Best Time to Start Potty Training Is During the Period from 6 Weeks to Around 5 or 6 Months Old
As the dog gets older, it becomes more difficult to potty train. The best time to start is during the period from 6 weeks to around 5 or 6 months old. After that, it can become much more difficult because she will be stubborn and less likely to cooperate with your wishes, and she may feel embarrassed or even ashamed of having accidents in the house.
If your puppy is still getting used to her new home and family at this age, then this would be a good time for training since there will be fewer distractions than if you were starting when she was older.
If you find yourself needing to train an older puppy or adult dachshund, then try one of these options:
- Have patience. It will take longer than usual because they’re set in their ways by now, so don’t expect miracles overnight just because “time heals all wounds”.
- Reward them every time they do something right (i.e., go outside). This makes them feel good about what they’ve done, so they’ll want more praise from us, too.
Puppies Need Plenty Of Patience, Love & Treats
It is normal for your new puppy to have accidents while learning. He will get the hang of it, but you need patience and consistency to help him along. Don’t give up if he doesn’t seem to get it right away, keep trying.
After all, they’re only puppies. If you feel like your dachshund is taking too long to learn or is not responding well, try changing things up by using a different type of potty pad (different brand).
Also, some dogs may prefer pee pads inside or away from home; others might prefer outside on grass or concrete. Just remember that this process takes time—don’t push them too hard or be disappointed if they don’t get it right away.
Your puppy needs love and lots of yummy treats throughout the training process so he knows what behavior gets him good stuff—and which behavior leads him to empty his bladder outside instead of indoors.
It’s important to remember that the best time to start potty training is from 6 weeks to around 5 or 6 months old. After that, it can become much more difficult because she will be stubborn and less likely to cooperate with your wishes, and she may feel embarrassed or even ashamed of having accidents in the house.