Why Is My Dachshund Licking The Floor?

Dachshunds are lovable, energetic dogs that love to play and cuddle. However, dachshunds can be prone to some undesirable behavior like chewing on things they shouldn’t and sometimes licking the floor.

If your little wiener dog is licking the floor or other surfaces in your home, it’s important to know the answer to why is my dachshund licking the floor, and how you can try and stop it from happening going forward.

Why Is My Dachshund Licking The Floor?

Your dachshund may lick the floor because of a medical condition

If you notice that your dachshund is licking the floor, it’s important to take note of how often he does it. If he licks the floor once in a blue moon, there could be any number of reasons for this behavior: maybe he just wants to cool off his paws, or he’s trying to clean up after himself.

However, if this excessive licking behavior becomes more frequent—especially if it happens while your dog is resting – then, there may be a medical condition causing him to lick the ground so much.

Cushing’s disease is one such condition that causes dogs of all breeds and ages to lick their paws or other parts of their bodies excessively.

This disease occurs when there’s an imbalance in hormones like cortisol and estrogen within the body; when levels become too high or too low, they can lead to serious health issues like increased thirst/urination/litter box accidents and weight loss/gain (among others).

If your dachshund is licking the floor excessively, and you notice changes in behavior, weight or appetite, take him to see his vet. Constant licking may be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs treatment.

Your dachshund may have anxiety or stress

If you are anything like me, the first thing you’ll want to do is figure out the reason for your dog’s licking of surfaces. After all, licking can be a sign of anxiety or stress, or medical issues. And if your dog has anxiety or stress, there are steps you can take to help it overcome it.

First, let’s talk about what causes dachshunds’ anxiety and stress levels to rise in the first place, to lead to obsessive licking and compulsive behaviors like that. Some dogs are born with a mild case of separation anxiety that doesn’t manifest itself until they reach adulthood (usually around three years old).

Other dogs develop an anxiety disorder as adults after experiencing some sort of traumatic experience (such as being abandoned by their family).

In either case, these poor pups develop an irrational fear that something bad will happen if they aren’t within sight or hearing distance from their owner at all times.

Fortunately for us humans who love our pets so much but can’t spend every waking moment with them 24/7…there are tons of ways we can help reduce these symptoms and help them feel more comfortable in their own fur coats again.

Your dachshund may want your attention

Your dachshund may lick the floor because they want your attention. Dachshunds are known for their love of attention and affection, so if your dog is licking their paws or the floor, it’s a good idea to give them some time with you. This will help them feel happy and less likely to do floor licking.

However, don’t let this become an issue where you’re constantly giving your dog attention every time they start licking themselves, as a form of repetitive behaviors. If you do this too much, then it may reinforce these negative behaviors in other areas besides just licking themselves.

If your dachshund is licking their paws or the floor, it’s important to take some time out of your day. Try to spend at least five minutes with them playing or petting them and then try to see if they continue the behavior or not. If they do, then try again later on in the day when you have more time.

Your dachshund may lick because something on the floor tastes good

Your dachshund may lick because something on the floor tastes good

Your dachshund may be licking the floor because something on the floor tastes good. If your dog licks her floor after she’s done with her meals, it could be because she just wants to get some of that flavor back in her mouth.

When your dachshund is licking the floor after a meal, and you catch him in time, try giving him some water or food from his bowl to make sure he doesn’t lick something off of it again. If this continues to happen, try moving his bowls so that they aren’t by where he does his business, and make sure there isn’t anything he can reach outside that area as well.

If your dachshund is licking its paws after walks or other times when they’ve been outdoors, check for anything stuck on their paws by checking between each toe individually as well as under them (like if there was mud). You might even want to look at their belly region while doing so, since sometimes dirt or rocks can get stuck there too!

Perhaps your dachshund has a gastrointestinal issue

If your dachshund is licking themselves or the floor excessively, it could be a sign of a gastrointestinal issue. If you find yourself constantly wiping up drool or vomit after your pup eats, it’s time to head to the vet and get them checked out for any sort of underlying medical condition that needs treatment.

Your veterinarian will likely do some tests to rule out any medical conditions and prescribe medications or dietary changes if necessary.

Lastly, make sure your dachshund has plenty of opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation throughout the day. This can help relieve stress and anxiety levels in dogs, leading to less obsessive licking and compulsive behaviors.

Could your dachshund be suffering with gastric emptying?

If your dachshund is continuously licking the floors, walls and other surfaces around him, it’s possible he could be suffering with gastric emptying. In this condition, a dog’s stomach takes longer than normal to empty, which can cause them to feel hungry more frequently or even experience nausea or vomiting.

Your vet will need to run some tests to diagnose gastric emptying, but it is treatable with medication and lifestyle changes. In addition, your vet may suggest restricting his access to food and water during the day in order to help prevent him from licking excessively.

Your dachshund may lick the floor if there is a behavior problem

There are a few reasons why your dachshund may be licking the floor. As mentioned above, some dogs have a tendency to lick the floor. This is not necessarily abnormal and could be caused by stress or anxiety.

However, if it does seem abnormal for your dog, and you suspect there is more going on than just boredom or anxiety, it’s always good to check with your veterinarian beforehand.

Sometimes this behavior can also be related to a medical condition; for example, if they have an allergy that makes their skin itch and feel uncomfortable (such as fleas), then they may try to relieve that discomfort by licking where it hurts most – namely their paws!

Dachshunds often lick other surfaces such as tile and carpet

Dachshunds are known for being affectionate, and that includes licking their humans. The same can be said of other household items and surfaces. Including tile floors, furniture and rugs, which makes them susceptible to digestive upset if they’re eating something they shouldn’t be.

So why do dogs lick? It’s a form of communication (just like you might rub your stomach when you’re hungry), so it’s important to pay attention to the messages your Dachshund is sending you through licking. As it’s their way of letting us know they want to tell us something, and can be signs of distress.

Dachshunds often lick other surfaces such as tile and carpet

Your short-legged pal may be trying to tell you there are problems with their health or behavior. If your dog licks the floor excessively, there could be an underlying problem that requires a way of treatment from a veterinarian or other professional in order for them to stop doing it altogether.


It is important to remember that, just like humans, dogs have their own personalities and preferences. It may seem bizarre for your dog to lick the floor, but this behavior can be perfectly normal for some dogs.